Sunday, June 8, 2008

Jog in the pool?

I have mentioned my hip pain in a few posts. It started about 2 1/2 months ago out of nowhere. Initially I took a week off running, but the pain came right back when I started. I have tried ignoring it, taking lots of motrin, and something called push therapy (which hurts!) It has gotten to the point of limping after every run. I saw an sports ortho doc last week and he ordered an MRI to rule out a stress fracture (in my hip! I never knew that could happen!!)

Do you recognize all the parts? No? Me neither!
Thankfully it was negative, so it is just muscle pain. So a couple weeks off running, physical therapy and push therapy, and hopefully I will be good as new! I ran in the pool today and yesterday. Boring!!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I am SO relieved that it's just muscle pain!