Today was the first day of school around here. I have mixed feelings about this day-- it just doesn't feel right to be in school when it is August and 90 degrees out. That aside, it really is an exciting time.
Can you feel Zachary's anger and annoyance at me? It was epic. |
Everything is fresh and new- clothes, hair, and of course, shoes.
But more than that, it is starting with a clean slate. No missing assignments and late projects. No red cards on the behavior chart.
Zach is in 8th grade, Joey in 5th, Vinnie in 3rd and Christopher in kindergarten! |
A new teacher, who has no idea that you talk non stop, or whine about doing 50 in a minute tests. A truly clean slate.
Christopher with his buddy, Vishwam |
Don't you wish you had that opportunity as an adult? A yearly chance to start over at work? No phone calls to return, consultants to talk to, charts to finish? Your desk all cleared off with sharp new pencils ready to go?
Christopher was thrilled to get Mrs. Jung- the same teacher Joey and Vinnie had! |
I love getting to relive the first day of school excitement through my boys. Chatter about the nice teachers, who is in their class, who they ate lunch with.
Based on his birthday, Chris is probably the oldest in his class, but still the shortest. Get this kid some growth hormone!! |
This year is a new beginning for me as well. My youngest is now in school full time. My Wednesday off work is now an actual day off!
The kinders only have a half day for the first 10 days. Seriously?? He is almost 6--take him already! |
I have big plans for my Wednesdays-- a list of projects that never seem to get done because I am too busy doing the myriad of things that have to be done, like laundry and grocery shopping. Each week my goal will be to cross one item off the list. Just one. Nothing too ambitious. A doable goal.
Happy back to school day!!
It was a woo hoo/boo hoo day for us to go back to school too. The fresh starts and new beginnings are wonderful though. Love the captions under each photo!
A fresh start sounds good, but there's some anxiety too. Kaylee is super excited to start school next week, but knowing her, she'll be super excited until two days before she starts and then it will be all doom and gloom. "What if they force me to eat soy?" "What if someone loses me?" "What if they don't let me go to the bathroom?" She comes up with the most outrageous scenarios sometimes.
It's great they you'll have a day to get some stuff done. I bet you can more done than you think. Kids can really slow you down. ;)
My name is Jenna. Your boys are a special miracle from god, a gift from above, earthly angel. Your boys are full of happiness, life, smiles, joy, fun,love, and spunk.
Your boys look handsome and ready to go to school. I love that mowhawk.
I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and have 14 other medical conditions, and developmental delays.
I wrote this poem
Each of us are Special
Each of us different,
No one is the same
Each of are us are unique in our own way,
Those of us who have challenges, we smile through our day.
Those who of us who have challenges, we smile through our day.
It doesn't matter what others say
we are special anyway.
What is forty feet and sings? the school chior
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