Saturday, May 4, 2013

Giving back

As most know, our office is only about a mile from our house.  Besides having an amazing commute, we get to see our patients everywhere we go.  They are our neighbors, on my kids' baseball teams, and in their classrooms.  Rarely do I go to Safeway and NOT see a patient.  Most of the time, it is fun!  (except when I am caught with kids misbehaving, or buying them doughnuts to shut them up!)

The other thing we like about it, is that it allows us to be involved in our community on many levels.

 We sponsor the local Little League.

For the last several years we have volunteered our time to do the Pop Warner football sports physicals.

 Pete is involved on the safety committee of the Little League, and we sponsor many different school walk-a-thon's, high school auctions, the high school baseball team,  and even the local Turkey Trot.

I am most proud though of the signs I had made for the Little League fields.  I saw a different version of it on Facebook a few months ago, then saw it again recently on a friend's Facebook page, with a comment about how we needed it for our fields.  I agreed!  She suggested our office sponsor it, and I ran with it.

Isn't it great?    Pete laughed when he saw it, saying that he was one of the worst offenders!  While he can be a bit loud, he truly is not the worst.  I admit, I can get a bit "passionate" on the bleachers myself.  I think the sign will serve as a great reminder for all of us.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Maybe the next step will be adding handing those out as tattoos in your office treasure chest. or adding them to the bags of cracker jacks. :-)

Well done! I can't wait to show it to Bill.