Monday, August 12, 2013

They are back!!!

 The boys are home now!!  Pick up day was Saturday.  I was so excited when I spotted Christopher playing cards with his bunk mates.

I ran up to him, wondering if he was going to start crying when he saw us.  Nope.  "Oh hi Mom" he said.  And then turned back to his friends!

 See the sponge around his neck?  His cabin won the "Golden Sponge" award for the cleanest cabin.  My other 3 boys have been at Kennolyn for a total of 14 years and have never won the award.  The kids were so pumped about it that we have decided we are going to start something like it in our house, with the reward being 30 minutes of midweek screen time (which normally they are not allowed).

 Joey received a 5 year camper hat, and Zach received a 6 year camper shirt.

Chris was so excited to show us how he could put the harness on and walk the donkey by himself!
 After the opening ceremony, we had some time to look around the camp and see some of the kids' activities while they were there.  Kennolyn has an amazing selection of things to choose from.

Christopher had Animal Care, Riflery, Swim, Batting cages, Crafts, and Outdoor Cooking.

When we were over at the Outdoor Cooking station another mom approached me. "Are you Chris's mom?" she said.  "ah, yes" I answered, a little surprised.  She then proceeded to tell me about how both of her kids wrote home and mentioned Chris and how much they liked cooking because he was in the class.  She said she was so curious who this Chris kid was.  I asked if they were in the same cabin, but she said no, that her kids were 10 and 12 years old!

As we were walking around the grounds, lots of kids said hi, and gave Christopher a high five.

Chris with Bart, who was Vinny's counselor a couple of years ago, who always
remembers Vinny, and seemed to know Chris as well.

It even seemed like all the counselors knew him too, even if they weren't his counselor.  What a great experience his first year was!  Camp Kennolyn is such an amazing place with the best staff ever.

Vinny's activities were Archery, Wall Climbing, Fencing, Riflery, Board Diving, and Jr. Ropes.

This was Vinny's 3rd year, and surprisingly all the other boys in his cabin were first timers.  His counselor said Vinny was a big help.  Pete was talking to one of the boys who told us that Vinny talked a lot, even in his sleep.  That's Vinny!

Vinny fencing

Joey had BMX riding, Pool hang out, Fencing, Badminton and Hockey.

Was that fencing or bee keeping??

That is Joey standing on the BMX track--how awesome does that look!
Joey only had 5 activities because BMX took up 2 time slots.  How cool does that track look though?

Zach and Joey with their hockey sticks.  The puck was a type of ball
and they played on the tennis court

Zach and Joey were in badminton and hockey together, which I thought was pretty cool!

Zachary's activities were Archery, Stained Glass, Badminton, Hockey, Senior pool hang out, and Rugby.  He said his favorite activity was the pool hang out, which is just what it sounds like, with other 8th and 9th graders (considered the senior campers)

Walking around the grounds at Kennolyn, I am struck by the quiet and beauty, and I am a little jealous.  How great would it be to have 2 weeks, completely unplugged, surrounded by nature?

After checking out their activities, and clearing the stuff out of their bunks, it was time for lunch before hitting the road for home.

I swear I packed this kid a brush!

Angels Camp--doesn't Chris look tiny??

Vinny and Cabin Davenport

Joey and Iron Mountain--cousins Peter and Gian are there too!

Zach and the big guys of Mammoth--his last year as a regular camper!

After the ride home I am left with the above.  LOTS of smelly laundry!  All the socks and several of the shirts and jeans get thrown in the trash.  Everything else has to be washed and I mean everything.  Even the sleeping bags and pillows!   Ten loads of laundry, all done by Sunday.  Phew.  Trunks are packed in the attic, waiting for next year.

Thanks Camp Kennolyn for treating my kids like family, and giving me and my husband 2 weeks of quiet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post and I am so anxious to talk with the boys about their experiences.