Zach had a visit from the tooth fairy last night. She was actually supposed to come on Friday night, but somehow forgot. I am not sure what is sadder-- the fact that she forgot, or the fact that Zach wasn't even that upset about it as it has happened before. I told him that since his tooth fell out after 8 pm, she had already left on her nightly rounds. Truth be told, she almost forgot last night as well, but made a mad dash in his room before he woke up this morning. She really needs to get her act together!
So, what's a tooth go for these days? Can we see a picture of Zach's holey smile?
I am so relieved that the tooth fairy in California is as forgetful as the tooth fairy in Michigan is. Even though the Michigan tooth fairy has fewer kids and isn't a doctor.
You know, metaphorically speaking.
That awful moment as the kids are waking and you realised that terrible Tooth Fairy has let them down ..... shocking ! But great that kids can usually so easily forgive and wait another day for the tooth to be collected and the reward to arrive the blog and the pictures ...
Sometimes it takes the tooth fairy up to a week to visit our house! She (or he) is lame, but usually makes up for her (or his) absentmindedness by increasing the loot!
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