Tuesday, September 9, 2008

If he would only change diapers...

This is the view into my kitchen every morning. Since school has started, Zach wakes up on his own, takes a shower, then makes himself eggs and bacon for breakfast. How awesome is that?! He is such an independent kid. Of course, at this rate, his cholesterol will be through the roof by middle school.


Suzanne said...

You have a gem on your hands, but it is as much because of who he is as well as your own doing. You and Peter are great examples of how parents can teach their kids to be self-sufficient. Yay Zach! Can he do over easy too? :-)

Anonymous said...

That is incredibly awesome, that is how awesome that is. Wow! My kid is 8 and she sits on the couch, back of her hand held to her forehead and announces "I'm starving."

She could take lessons from Zach.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's great Michelle you are a wonderful Mom for taking the time to teach him. I think you were 13 and didn't know how to turn the stove on and that was my fault. I am so proud of the Mom you are and the terrific grandchildren you have given me. Love Mom

Stacey said...

Oh I so wish Justin would do that. He will not do anything by himself.