The day starts at 8:30 with the 1.5 mile fun run. Competitive people that we are, Pete and I both won in our age category. (Not as impressive as it sounds--the neighborhood isn't that big)
After the fun run is the bike parade. For some reason Zach and Joey wouldn't do it this year. Vinnie decorated his scooter for the event.
We went to the pool for a bit and plan on watching fireworks later.
I had the kids make their 4th of July shirts this year. Joey did this with his class this year and I thought it was so cute.
We took white t-shirts and decorated them with star stickers and stips of tape.
Here they are drying. After they dried we pulled off the tape and stickers.
This shirt is Christopher's.
This shirt is Zachary's. He used a lot of paint, which made the shirt a bit stiff. Unfortunately, he tends to be my sensitive one when it comes to fabrics so he wouldn't wear it today. Sigh...
Last but not least, this is Vincent's shirt. True to his nature, he took a more minimalist approach with his.
Happy Fourth of July everyone!!
Congrats on your win. I hope you are pain free.
happy 4th to you. The shirts are adorable. Great fun idea to do with the kids.
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